
2 Products
2 Products
  • Depository / Mail Box Drop Safes
    2 Products

    Depository Safes

    As low as


  • Trim Safe With Keys
    1 Product

    Trim Depository Safe

    As low as


When traveling, people often bring expensive items with them. While hotel rooms lock and are only accessible by those with a key, offering hotel safes to guests is a simple way to make them feel secure. Safes are an effective way of letting guests store items such as jewelry, money, and other keepsakes that need to be protected.

For ease of use, consider purchasing electronic safes that offer a keypad to lock and unlock to retrieve items. Drop safes are another option that you can offer to guests. These safes tend to be available in larger sizes, allowing guests to store items such as tablets and even small laptops. No matter which type of safe you choose, this is a must-have item in any hotel room. Guests want the security and comfort of knowing that their prized belongings are safe and secure.

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