The Truth About Free Shipping

February 1st 2016

The Strategy of Free Shipping

Free Shipping is merely a marketing strategy. In any strategy, your objective is not to lose. Amazon became the first retailer to create a free-shipping system with its Amazon Prime Program. In the transition from brick-and-mortar to online shopping, retailers needed a strategy to get shoppers to buy from anywhere in the world that had internet access. Thus, Free Shipping was born. Roses Are Red

Free Shipping = Cost Already Added

As consumers have caught onto the tactic of free shipping, consumer knowledge and awareness has increased. With free shipping, companies evaluate margins and determine how much prices need to be marked up, in order for them to offer a continuous promotion. To answer the question, free shipping is never free. The negative side for consumers is simple, you have no idea how much the actual product is worth. Companies will usually set minimum requirements for ordering or incur annual fees to belong to a membership. What ever happened to companies offering honest low prices everyday, discounts on bulk purchases, and freight rating on orders to give customers the best possible shipping rate based on weight and dimensions?

That Exists at National Hospitality Supply!

We often hear over the phone the question, "Do you guys offer free shipping?" Our answer has always been, "We don't need to." While we don't offer free shipping on a daily basis, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional customer service, product knowledge, and everyday low prices. We value our customer relationships that we've built over the last 25 years with trust, honesty, and respect. Below are some ways to save even more with us!

1. Call Us for a Freight Rate

Over the Phone:
  • We automatically freight rate all our orders if taken over the phone and they meet the requirements for weight, dimensions, and shipping location. What does this mean? We contact FedEx through an online platform that allows us to see what the best rates for shipping your order are. We regularly save our customers $100's on orders!
Ordering Online:
  • If you are ordering in bulk on our website and are not pleased with the ending shipping cost, please give us a call at 1-800-526-8224 and our sales representatives will help to lower your costs*! Also, during operating hours, live chat is always available.
View all shipping and delivery information, here. 2. Price Breaks We love to offer you, our customers, even lower prices when purchasing for large properties, events, and occasions. See example below for how price breaks work. PriceBreak Example3. Online Promotions Via Email Sign-up + Social Media In October 2015, we started our email marketing campaign and it has allowed us to reach our customer base weekly to deliver outstanding bundle deals, overall discounts, and updates on the newest products released. Yes... we did do free shipping for Thanksgiving, as a Thank You to our wonderful customer base! When you add, Everyday Low Prices + Price Breaks + Freight Rates, everyday is a promotion. Therefore, when weekly promotions are sent out, it really is a great opportunity to save as a customer. For existing customers and email subscribers, be sure to stay connected with us! To stay connected with National Hospitality, sign up for email promotions, here. 4. Sample Requests Never hesitate to call us to see if we have a sample available in the item you are deciding to purchase. Our samples generally take 3-5 business days to deliver and can help you decide on which fabric, colors, or product best suites your needs.

Thanks for Reading!

Roses Are Red Violets Are Blue If You Think Free Shipping Exists They're Only Lying to You!" - Written by National Hospitality

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