Embrace Opportunity, Have a Positive Outlook

September 16th 2015


Everyday in America, new businesses open their doors with the same hope, to achieve success. Statistics from the University of Ohio State show approximately 60% of all new restaurants fail within the first year, while other reports show even higher failure rates. Why are people still trying to succeed in the restaurant business? It's simple, the restaurant business is the second largest private sector employer in the United States. Employing over 14 million people, in 1 million locations, the opportunities for growth are endless.


The National Restaurant Association's 2015 industry forecast is promising. The industry is expecting over 1.7 million new employees in the next decade, while outpacing the U.S total job growth in 2015 for the 16th consecutive year. With forecasts of $709.2 Billion in sales for 2015, the restaurant industry has increased total sales by 17% since 2010.


Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, an influential German writer in the 1800's, states,"Whatever you can do, or dream, you can...begin it; boldness has genius, power and magic in it." You can do all the research on why restaurant's fail and how to "succeed" as a restaurant, however those are merely helpful reminders. You must believe, have creativity, and a work ethic that supports your business's aspirations. Hiring qualified managers and competent employees is important to perform the restaurant's essential tasks, but without your presence in the day to day operations, the restaurant will not flourish. Set the example, show your drive. Remember these three actions: Get up, Show up, and Follow up. View the production below and draw inspiration from the perseverance, drive, and work ethic displayed. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PF0gb3eny70&w=700&h=400&align=center&rel=0[/embed]

We're Here for You

At National Hospitality, we are honored to be able to support hotels, motels, and restaurants. We understand that without quality products and services, your business can be hindered. Whether you're an existing customer or a restaurant starting out, you can count on us to deliver the products you need. Check out our new Flatware and Serving Set just released! Stay tuned for more new releases!

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