Blogmas Day 3: How to Save Money in 2016

December 13th 2015

2015 at a Glance

As National Hospitality wraps up the 2015 year, we want to give a big shout out to our customers who have allowed us to have our biggest year yet! With our team's hard work and your support, we were able to launch new initiatives such as our blog, social media, and email promotions. Furthermore, we put a heavier emphasis on adding quality inventory and redesigning many of the products packaging and appearance.

Save Money in 2016

While 2015 was a success, we expect 2016 to be even better for our customers! Whether you are an existing customer or prospective customer, here is what you have to look forward to in 2016. businesswoman hands holding sign message we love customers

Rewards Program

Coming in  early Q1 of 2016, our rewards program will benefit customers who order regularly through our website. We will have several tiers of incentives based on points accumulated throughout the year. We hope this will encourage our customers to utilize National Hospitality as its "one-stop shop" in 2016. For example: For every 1,000 points you earn, receive an automated email with a promo code for 20% off your next orderMore information and details will be released as we get closer to launch! Stay Tuned!

Email Promotions

9405365849_0cb3e0170b_b Launched early October 2015, our email program has been a huge success! We have learned many tips and tricks that we will continue to improve upon for 2016. Emails will continue to go out on a week to week basis, highlighting new products, or enticing promotions to help you save money! If you are not an email subscriber, sign up now at Don't miss the opportunity to save during the Holidays and New Years! Customers have saved $100's by taking advantage of the weekly offers!

Social Media 

We started social media postings on Facebook, Twitter, and Google + to be able to connect with our customer base on a different level! Check out all our social media pages for the latest updates and news, as well as upcoming email promotions. In 2016, we will be having contests, social media promotions "only", and more ways for customers to save through following our social media pages. Like us, follow us, and share us! [caption id="attachment_979" align="alignnone" width="640"]smartphone-586903_640 Stay Connected in 2016[/caption]

Company Blog

Remember to always check our blog to see the latest articles, videos, and trends occurring in the hospitality and restaurant industry. The great plus about social media and technology nowadays, is everything is connected. If you follow us on Facebook, you will be connected to our blog and vice versa.

Going Forward

Make sure to stay connected with National Hospitality in 2016! We are committed to improving everyday to bring you the supplies needed to run your establishment. With new programs, promotions, and news articles posted weekly, don't miss the opportunity to help your business save money in 2016! Keep up to date on our newest items and product design changes, right here! Thanks for reading! [caption id="attachment_1016" align="alignnone" width="1024"]Andy Kobel Photo Credit: Andy Kobel[/caption]

Stay Tuned for Day 4...


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